The distinctive feature of the Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education is its focus on preparing students for work placement, supporting and helping them learn through their work placements.
Underlying the educational research and development work of SCEPTrE is a belief that to equip students for an ever changing, infinitely complex and uncertain world we need to pay particular attention to the skills of enquiry – the package of critical and creative thinking skills and behaviours that enable us to find, explore and resolve both academic and real world problems.
Academics know that enquiry is the basis for all research and scholarship in the disciplines and that it underlies good teaching and effective course designs. But individual or collaborative enquiry, for the purpose of developing knowledge to solve problems, inventing new things and creating new opportunities, is also the key learning process in knowledge–rich workplace settings.
So enquiry provides a powerful unifying concept of learning that connects the academic and professional or vocational worlds of learning. By exploring these worlds more systematically and developing our understanding of how people learn through processes of enquiry, we believe that we can help students develop in ways that will enable them to be even more successful in their future careers.
Prof Norman Jackson
Diane Whitelock
Tel: 01483 684 920