AURS at the University of Reading is particularly interested in strengthening the links between teaching and research. Several disciplines here had a long track record of getting undergraduate research published and involving students in primary research projects; many of these are subject areas where students are engaged in 'practical' research, such as fieldwork in the Environmental or Life Sciences, or 'archival' research based on material in Museums and Collections. We are interested in understanding better why these disciplines are particularly successful at this.
Our plan is to develop out from several core disciplines (Agriculture, Archaeology, Zoology and Typography) by investing in curriculum enhancement projects, all of which in some way are designed to enhance undergraduate research skills. To display the fruits of this we hope to get up and running online journals of the best undergraduate dissertations. As time goes by other programme areas will be similarly developed.
We are also setting up an Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme to provide bursaries for students to work with research teams over the summer. These programmes have been shown to enhance employability, progression to postgraduate degree courses, and to benefit the research output of the institution.
Dr John Creighton
Carole Allison
Department Secretary
Tel: 0118 378 7189